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Other / Re: Artbook ?
« Last post by MakenMedium on July 11, 2014, 08:37:32 AM »
The guidebook arrived today, and as it turns out, it is indeed not the one you were looking for, Cass.

It is more of a guide to Deltora itself. Descriptions of locations, people and beasts. Some Artwork in there, as well as fanart. At least so it seems, to hell if I can actually read it.

As soon as I've got some time, and a scanner, I will scan it and give it to you guys.

the weekend sword
Announcements / Re: [UPDATE] Happy New Year 2013!
« Last post by Cass on July 10, 2014, 11:21:43 PM »
Post around a bit! V:

That's a way to get things slowly moving. I think a few people check the forums, but very few people post.

Announcements / Re: [UPDATE] Happy New Year 2013!
« Last post by Vict32 on July 10, 2014, 07:35:52 PM »
is this community still alive?

P.S. Sorry if i'm rude for a new member, but it's pretty quiet here :v ~
Other / Re: Artbook ?
« Last post by MakenMedium on June 25, 2014, 12:00:20 PM »
Unfortunately, I am almost entirely useless.
I DID learn a bit of japanese some years ago, but... for each Hiragana or Katakana I learned, I forgot two...

But I know how to scan the entire thing and give it to you guys.

...if it ever arrives, that is... sometime next week, I guess.

the demon sword
Other / Re: Artbook ?
« Last post by DQA on June 24, 2014, 06:54:39 AM »
So... to solve the riddle I've just purchased that guide... I'm going straight to the hellish forge for this.  :(

Ooh, how exciting!! Can you read Japanese? I'm really interested to see what it turns out to be.

Pleased to meet you.

Other / Re: Artbook ?
« Last post by MakenMedium on June 22, 2014, 01:40:50 AM »
Hello there! It's nice to make your acquaintance, MakenMedium - it pleases me immensely to see some activity on this forum.

Same here. ^^

So... to solve the riddle I've just purchased that guide... I'm going straight to the hellish forge for this.  :(
Oh well...

And on another note:
*bows* Medium's the name. Nice meeting you. Don't mind if I make myself at home here.

the demon sword
Other / Re: Artbook ?
« Last post by Cass on June 20, 2014, 03:56:42 AM »
Wow, long time no see!

Something tells me, then, that the book MakenMedium posted is a general "guide book" for the Deltora book series, and not the DS RPG. Perhaps the eBay seller mistook the nature of the book? This is likely a Japanese translation of one of the many Deltora side books.

If it were for the DS RPG, it would've used the logo art of the DS game (and would've included the game's subtitle, I imagine).

Seems the game's guide book is out of print now, and from the website it was something of a limited edition. :V if only I could've been quicker... The possible concept art of all the characters...!

Ah well.
Other / Re: Artbook ?
« Last post by DQA on June 20, 2014, 01:44:19 AM »
Yes, this appears to be the DS game guide, as indicated by the title "オフィシャルガイドブック" - (translates to "Official Guide Book" however 'guide book' is a rather vague term. Hm, I wonder if it could be for something else?).

Actually, taking a look at that eBay page, it does indeed look to be a game guide, judging by the 'RPG' in the title.

Nice find!
Other / Re: Artbook ?
« Last post by Cass on June 20, 2014, 01:02:37 AM »
Hello there! It's nice to make your acquaintance, MakenMedium - it pleases me immensely to see some activity on this forum.

I dunno, but on the DS game's website, it shows two different "books" that both seem like they may be a guide book, both with covers unlike this one that you've posted. Something tells me this book isn't actually related to the DS game, if only because the cover is in the style of Mark Bridle's work.

I would link you to the website, but at this moment I am unable. The book I believe this must come from is featured on the most-right 'gem'.
Other / Re: Artbook ?
« Last post by MakenMedium on June 19, 2014, 10:13:29 AM »
Hi Cass.

I tried searching for images or even a .pdf of the manual and the guide book, but unfortunately, I didn't find anything but the cover of the guide book... If you've got the coin, I've found it on ebay. I for my part, can't afford it.
Only judging by size and the description, I'd say your image is from that guide book.
Total pages: 207 pages
There are a lot of illustrations in this book.

the demon sword
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