It's been yonks since I've read the books, so I'm not certain about all the finer details. However...
I always wondered: why was Rithmere 'bustling', so to speak? I mean, it is revealed that the Shadow Lord DOES control the city, though albeit behind the scenes. Considering the rest of the country is in turmoil, it seemed odd that Rithmere wasn't impoverished and suffering like, say, Del.
Oh, and where are all these people from? That's another thing that's bothered me - towns seem very scarce in Deltora. If I remember correctly, the only towns touched upon were Del, Tora, Rithmere and Broome. Seeing as Del is often depicted as a rather small town as well, I'm left wondering if Del has any cities of commerce besides Rithmere.
Just two cents that I thought I'd put on the table.