Oh, that IS quite a find! Spiffy job! I didn't know there were different kinds.
It seems as though the CD and unidentifiable versions are merely collectibles. The official set seem to have some sort of game behind them. Not only that, but some seem to be much rarer, and are holographic (perhaps a homage to the original books? I've only seen 'guardian' cards in that format).
I have to say, the quality of the cards are varied. Some use the anime's style, while others opt for an odd blend of the manga and a painterly style. Unfortunately, all examples have gone off eBay.
It also seems the unidentifiable version makes use of Mark Bridle's (or however his name is spelt) work. I wonder if there is anything especially made? I think I can identify a few characters in that picture. It seems there are Nij and Doj, the Kin, and the Pirates. I've not read/looked at any of Mark Bridle's spinoff works of Deltora Quest, so some of these are rather new.
In saying that, my opinions are mixed on Bridle's work in general. I absolutely adore his scenery work (the colours and shapes are fantastic), but I find his depictions of humans somewhat wooden. I'm glad official portrayals of the main 3 were never given, as I do prefer a personal image.