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Author Topic: Deltora Quest: The Seven Jewels Official Thread  (Read 21726 times)


  • Toran Citizen
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Deltora Quest: The Seven Jewels Official Thread
« on: January 01, 2013, 11:36:27 PM »
« Last Edit: January 01, 2013, 11:43:48 PM by DQA »


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Re: Deltora Quest: The Seven Jewels Official Thread
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2013, 02:18:38 AM »
Oh, I absolutely adore that spread of the different scenes. How, if you don't mind me asking, did you get them?
Bish Bash Bosh!


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Re: Deltora Quest: The Seven Jewels Official Thread
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2013, 02:39:53 AM »
I downloaded the ROM, played it on an emulator and used screenshots when I saw an interesting image.

There's probably a better way of doing this, but that's how I did it.


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Re: Deltora Quest: The Seven Jewels Official Thread
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2013, 02:43:48 AM »
I know using an emulator is an unorthodox method (though I did buy the game proper, so I think I'm in the clear), but is there any particular one you used? You see, I'm trying to collect the sprites into a usable database (for websites such as Spriters Resource). However, the emulator I use is very, VERY slow, making the process a long one.
Bish Bash Bosh!


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Re: Deltora Quest: The Seven Jewels Official Thread
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2013, 02:45:36 AM »
I used DeSmuME.


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Re: Deltora Quest: The Seven Jewels Official Thread
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2013, 02:48:26 AM »
Ah, that's also the one I used. I suppose it's not incredibly important (though I think if someone were to start collecting a sheet of sprites the game would grow in awareness).

Thank you, anyway!
Bish Bash Bosh!


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Re: Deltora Quest: The Seven Jewels Official Thread
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2013, 02:52:18 AM »
It could be something to do with your computer hardware, but I think your project sounds amazing! If I could ever help in any way (though my knowledge on sprites is very limited), feel free to ask.


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Re: Deltora Quest: The Seven Jewels Official Thread
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2013, 03:00:44 AM »
Possibly, though I can't think what might be the problem. So, you say that you had no trouble with it being sluggish?

It's probably a very futile effort, seeing as it's nigh impossible just to get past the prologue with the emulator (takes so long D;). And, of course,
I can't even read the Japanese, so myeah.. >m>; Were you able to read what the characters were saying?
Bish Bash Bosh!


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Re: Deltora Quest: The Seven Jewels Official Thread
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2013, 03:04:37 AM »
Yeah, I understood what the characters were saying. I'm planning to make an English version of the ROM some time in the near near future.

Strange, because mine plays perfectly.

Maybe it's your ROM?


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Re: Deltora Quest: The Seven Jewels Official Thread
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2013, 03:20:27 AM »
Oh, really? 8D I've played the game quite a few times, always wondering what each character was saying and how the developers portrayed the characters. All I noticed was that Barda laughed quite a lot, and Prandine/Fallow yelled quite a lot. XP

But that would be fab! Are you working with a group to do that? :o I'd expect that involves some coding.

Could hardrive space have anything to do with it? I only have about 2 gigs.

I don't think ROMs really differ, do they?
Bish Bash Bosh!


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Re: Deltora Quest: The Seven Jewels Official Thread
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2013, 03:30:11 AM »
Well, funny you mention it. I was discussing working on an English ROM with dats (the group that have subtitled episodes 1 -15 of Deltora Quest). There's been no updates in ages though, which means I might be doing it as a solo-project (just like everything else on this website).

Slowdowns might have something to do with hardrive space, but I doubt it. It's more likely something to do with your hardware, considering emulating DS games takes quite a lot of computer processing power. If you have a good computer set up, then I'm not really sure. Have you tried using different emulators?


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Re: Deltora Quest: The Seven Jewels Official Thread
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2013, 03:42:46 AM »
That sounds like it would be a very arduous task, and you have to wonder whether it will pay off in the end. There must be some way to advertise this forum/your efforts! D;  Would it be supplied in a patch? (That's how, I believe, the Mother 3 fan translators released the translation)

Well, I use a laptop, if that has anything to do with it. XD I'm quite clueless when it comes to computers/laptops. I do believe I have tried other emulators, but to no avail. That, and DeSmuMe has more advanced functions that make sprite ripping a bit easier.
Bish Bash Bosh!


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Re: Deltora Quest: The Seven Jewels Official Thread
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2013, 04:21:04 AM »
Yeah, if I ever do get round to it, I'll release it as a batch.


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Re: Deltora Quest: The Seven Jewels Official Thread
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2013, 10:49:31 PM »
Now, my thoughts on the actual game.

First off, I need to start off by saying the soundtracks are beautifully crafted just like the anime arrangements. They really give you that J-RPG adventure feeling. The same can be said for the aesthetic pixel art too. The whole game is exactly how I imagined it to be. The whole art direction, at some points, is just mind-boggling.

In terms of gameplay, it's a typical RPG. Unfortunately, the leveling and combat system is extremely basic and stripped away. But personally,  I don't think this game needs such a device. It still takes some strategic ability to win your way through the most difficult of battles.

The story is definitely different compared to the anime, manga and book counterparts. In some ways, it's quite a shame. Even though I'm only one third through the game, I've seen so many lost opportunities. For example, they entirely skipped the "Tom's Shop" saga. Instead, Tom's Shop is a location you can visit anytime you want on the main map. This is fine, because it's an RPG, but it meant that the story had to be altered. Instead of the trio buying muddlets (which would've been so much fun to control), Lief, Barda and Jasmine are thrown down a cliff-side by Ichabod. A rather weird addition in my opinion. Another thing I must mention is the dialogue. There are many more comical moments compared to the book. One thing I noticed is how the game is clearly aimed at a young audience. The speech is written in such a way that an average five-year-old Japanese person could read with ease (which makes my job way easier if I ever translate it, aha!).

Sometimes the controls get a bit clunky using the stylus. In many cases, I lost a heart just because I had bumped into an enemy, causing me to stop.

Despite the occasional problem, I've got to say that the stylus was probably the best way of utilizing the controls.

I'll add some more thoughts as I progress through the game.


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Re: Deltora Quest: The Seven Jewels Official Thread
« Reply #14 on: January 03, 2013, 12:44:29 AM »
Ah, it's so great to hear an opinion from another person who is playing the game! 8D I always felt so lonely, because barely any English-speaking communities spoke about it.

I have to agree that the pixel art is just gorgeous, and I actually bought the soundtrack CD off Play Asia. There's a lot of love in each of the songs, but I do think they would have fared better if some songs were used more appropriately or to the game's potential. For example, Thaegan's theme is used also for the Ra-Kacharz, which detached the connections the song had to Thaegan. Also, I find some of the fanfares REALLY jarring, because they're so overly positive that they don't fit with some situations (Jarred jumping onto the horse-drawn carriage to escape Del Castle warranted an uber happy fanfare).

I was very disappointed by the gameplay. I've finished the game, and I swear I'm missing so many things due to the language barrier. The battle system is just TOO simplistic, and I feel the developers should have incorporated all three characters into battle. A much more strategy-oriented system would have suited me down to a tee!

I have to ask, was the Enigmatic Giant's section only represented through text? It's VERY odd, since later in the game (Chapter 7), you fight monsters that look exactly like the anime adaptation's Enigmatic Giant. Why didn't they take the opportunity with all the cool puzzles within the books? It feels very lazy.

I'm not very surprised that the game is aimed at a young audience. It's noticeable in all the other adaptations, too. When you think about it, series like Death Note are ALSO shounen, so it's not surprising that Deltora Quest would be marketed to a considerably younger audience.

I found the characters teleporting from place to place somewhat humorous (you move so fast with the stylus!).

A few little tid bits that I thought were worth mentioning:

  • At Tom's shop, you can draw the Resistance symbol to reduce the cost of items (I found this a neat little feature).
  • I don't think I understand - at the end of Chapter 2, D'or isn't restored (at least not visually). When does that plotline get wrapped up, I wonder?
  • Perhaps a personal beef, but some of the sounds are so obviously stock sounds. DX The Ak-Baba at the beginning use that infamous 'dinosaur screech', and Prandine/Fallow use sound effects that I've heard in comedy shows! Sort of jarring. XP

I've said quite a lot, but then again, there is quite a lot to speak about! I hope to hear more of your insight in the future. C>
« Last Edit: January 03, 2013, 12:56:17 AM by DQA »
Bish Bash Bosh!